Is the Number Of Applicants On LinkedIn accurate?

If you’re job-hunting, you might be discouraged when you see the number of applicants for each listing on LinkedIn. It’s easy to feel like you’re just a drop in the bucket and that your chances of being noticed are slim to none. But don’t let those numbers fool you — they’re not an accurate reflection of reality. The number of applicants shown on LinkedIn is often inaccurate and incomplete!

You should still apply for jobs even if the number on those job postings seems too good to be true. Here’s why…

Incomplete and Inaccurate Numbers

The first thing to keep in mind is that the number of applicants shown on LinkedIn is often inaccurate. Many recruiters have reported that the number is often lower than the actual number of applicants. Any recruiter will confirm that many candidates never finish their application, and even if they do, most of them might not even be qualified for that role.

Over the years, I’ve talked to many other recruiters about the industry. Based on those discussions, I estimate that between 20 and 25% of candidates who click the “Apply” button on LinkedIn never finish their registration.

LinkedIn/Is the Number Of Applicants On LinkedIn accurate?


All Applicants are not Created Equally

It’s also important to keep in mind that just because someone has applied for a job doesn’t mean they’re qualified. In fact, many recruiters will tell you that they’ve received applications from people who are not even remotely qualified for the position they applied for.

As many recruiters confirmed to me, between 40 and 60% of applications that companies receive are rejected because these candidates don’t meet the requirements, which varies depending on the role and company location.

So, while it might seem like there are dozens or even hundreds of applicants competing against you, the reality is that most of them probably aren’t even qualified for the role, meaning that your chances of being noticed are actually much higher than you think!

Not Every Remote Job Advert is a Remote Job

There are lots of talks these days about the benefits of working remotely. And it’s true. There are a lot of advantages to ditching commuting and setting up shop at home. But it’s important to understand that just because a job is advertised as being remote doesn’t mean that it’s open to everyone in the world.

In many cases, companies will only consider candidates located in the same country as the role. For example, if you see a remote job advertised in the US, but you’re based in Europe, you’re probably not going to get it. Or if you’re based in France and you want to apply for a role in Italy. In this case, that remote opportunity is probably only open to people actually living in Italy.

There are many things involved, such as labor laws, payroll, and tax laws. So, hiring someone from APEC in a role in EMEA or vice versa would not be as easy as it seems. Sometimes a remote opportunity is not truly remote. Hence, even though you will see dozens of other applicants applying for the same role as you, you might be the only person who ‘wouldn’t need a work permit.

A Company Hires Multiple People

If you’ve been job-hunting for a while, you’ve probably noticed that some companies seem to post the same role over and over again, they call it the evergreen job (aka recurring job). If a company is looking for dozens of the same roles over the year, they keep one position open during the entire year so they can still get new candidates into the process.

This practice results in hundreds of applications for a job openings. While this strategy may help companies save money, it can also lead to frustration and confusion for job seekers.

See How You Compare with Other Applicants

Job-hunting is hard enough as it is without having to worry about whether you’re going to get discouraged before you even apply. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what LinkedIn does with their online job postings. By including the number of applicants in their postings, they’re inadvertently triggering people’s insecurities and discouraging them from applying.


Even worse, they use phrases like “see how you compare” in order to get you to buy their service and see their premium LinkedIn account so you can check how you compare to others who applied.

But they don’t mention that recruiters and hiring managers are the ones who will be evaluating your resume against other applications. So, LinkedIn data has zero value for everyone. Checking how you compare with other applicants will only depress you or give you false hope. It will only reinforce people’s fears about how they measure up to other applicants.

Last Thoughts

When it comes to job postings, the number of applicants shouldn’t discourage you. In most cases, the number of applicants is not an accurate representation of who is actually qualified for the job. Thus, while it might seem like there are hundreds or even thousands of people competing against you, the reality is that most of them probably aren’t qualified for the job.

That means your chances of being noticed are actually much higher than you think! So, don’t be discouraged by the number of applicants you see on LinkedIn — it’s often an inaccurate and incomplete representation of reality. Keep applying, and you’ll eventually find the right opportunity!

If you want to learn more about the job market, consider getting this book, Job Search Guide. It will give you the edge in today’s competitive job market with insights into what it takes to land your dream position.

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The Job Search Guide for Job Seekers

Trying to figure out how to write a resume is enough to make anyone pull their hair out. With so many conflicting opinions and pieces of advice, it can be tough to even know where to start. Every week, there seem to be dozens of new articles published, each one telling you that your resume should be one page, that it needs to have the right keywords, or that you need to skip recruiters altogether if you want to get an interview.

In the meantime, career coaches are trying to convince you that you need their resume template to beat the ATS algorithms or you won’t even be interviewed. With so many resources and conflicting advice, it can be tough to even know where to start. It’s enough to make your head spin!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone!

The Job Search Guide: Be Your Own Career Coach

How do you make sure your resume is at the top of the pile and that you’re nailing every interview? The answer is simple: educate yourself. And that’s where the Job Search Guide comes in. This book is the ultimate resource for job seekers, offering a deep dive into the secrets professionals use when seeking new talent and the behind-the-scenes of the hiring process. With this information, you’ll have a leg up on the competition and be one step closer to landing your dream job.

★★★★★ “Hands down the best guide to finding your new job!” — Reader Review

Job Search Guide provides detailed information on all aspects of the talent acquisition process, from the initial screening to the final interview. You’ll learn why you were not selected for a role, how to convince the recruiter that you are the right candidate for a role, how to ask for feedback, and how to find out who is the hiring manager so you can contact them directly. With this information at your fingertips, you will be able to improve your chances of landing your dream job.

the job search guide

This book also discloses industry secrets hiring managers don’t want you to know, which is bound to change your approach and give you the confidence you need to land your dream job. In addition, the book includes tips on networking, interviewing, and negotiating salary.

Whether you’re just starting your job search or you’ve been at it for a while, this book is sure to help you take your career to the next level.

Job Search Guide: Be Your Own Career Coach will teach you:

●   The Truth about the Job Market. Employers want the best person for the job. Use professional tips to show them that person is you.

●   Secrets No Employer Wants You to Know. You will find insider knowledge bound to change your job search approach and land you your dream job.

●   Why Your Resume Isn’t Working. With this guide, you’ll learn to level up your resume to improve your chances and get the attention of recruiters.

●   Recruiters’ Techniques. All the information that will be given in this guide has been prepared with your needs and wants at heart!

●   Career Coaches. How to find the right career coach and how to avoid being tricked by false promises and misleading career tips.

In today’s job market, it is more important than ever to understand the inner workings of talent acquisition. Knowing how the process works and what factors influence the final decision can give you a significant advantage over other candidates.

The advice in this book can’t be found anywhere else. It will show you what hiring professionals truly want and how to tackle any interview with confidence.

Job Search Guide

Job Search Guide is available on Amazon (USCAUKFRDEPL, and other countries), and other sites in PaperbackHardcoverKindle, and ebook.

★★★★★ The perfect guide for anyone looking for new employment — Reader Review

No matter what stage you’re at in your job search, the Job Search Guide has something to offer. If you’re just starting out, you’ll find valuable information on crafting a stand-out resume and networking effectively.

If you’re in the thick of things, these interview prep tips will help you ace every interview. And if you’re not sure where to start, this comprehensive overview of the modern job market will give you the insights you need to get started on your search.

Education is power, so don’t wait another day to get started on your journey to landing your dream job — pick up a copy of the Job Search Guide today. You won’t regret it!

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Why Your LinkedIn Posts Matter More Than You Think

In today’s social media-driven world, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game. We see Person A with 10,000 followers and Person B with 100,000 followers and immediately think that Person B must be more influential, more popular, and just generally better than Person A.

But that’s not always the case. In fact, when it comes to the impact of your posts, you might actually have more power than LinkedIn influencers. Here’s why.

Reach vs. Engagement

In the age of social media, reach has become an important metric. Brands want to partner with influencers who have a large number of followers in the hopes that those followers will also be interested in what the brand has to offer.

Social media engagement is the total number of likes, comments, shares, and general interactions a piece of content or social media account receives relative to the size of the audience. Having a large following isn’t useful if the audience isn’t regularly interacting with the content they follow. (source: Hubspot)

“No matter the scale of your business or social audience, quality engagement is what I always focus on. Where best-in-class social media marketing is a delicate balance behind providing your audience value while meeting business needs, your engagement rate is an indicator if you’re tipping the scales in the wrong direction. Audience first.” (source: Hubspot) According to Kelly Hendrickson, Senior Manager of Social Media at HubSpot, engagement is a crucial metric for understanding social media performance.

How to Understand Your Impact

Just because somebody has a large number of followers it doesn’t mean that those followers are actually engaged with that person’s content. In fact, many people simply follow a large number of accounts and only pay attention to the content of a small handful. For brands, this means that it is more important to focus on engagement than on reach. Partnering with an influencer who has a smaller but more engaged following can be more effective than working with somebody who has a large but inactive following.

Let me demonstrate this with five examples of LinkedIn users whose posts appear in my LinkedIn feed. I also included myself so you can compare my network with the networks of these other people.

Now let’s compare the total number of likes these profiles got for their five LinkedIn posts.

LinkedIn 02

It is not surprising that these accounts with millions of followers received so many likes for their posts. But the number of likes for each post was lower than what I would expected if you compared it to how popular those accounts are!

That’s 30,993 likes for B.H. with 4,347,534 followers; that is 0.71% people within their network and people who saw it because of her network interaction with her content. M.G. got 1.48% engagement.

It looks like M.G.’s and B’.H’s posts got enough attention from their network, but let’s see how they did in comparison with likes vs followers for these accounts.

LinkedIn 03

To get an idea of how the following accounts impacted their network, I checked numbers for followers and engagement on five recent posts. After looking at information about which account has more followers versus likes received recently along with analyzing that data using simple calculations based off these metrics; it is clear to see what the real engagement is.

LinkedIn Posts

As you can see, this is the real impact of their posts on their network and people who see their content because of their network interaction with their posts. Yes, it’s nice to have a large number of followers, but it’s much more important to have a smaller group of people who are actually interested in what you’re posting.

So don’t get too caught up in the numbers game. It’s much more important to focus on quality over quantity. After all, what’s the point of having a thousand followers if none of them ever interact with your content?

The bottom line is this: don’t get too caught up in chasing numbers. Instead, focus on creating quality content that your existing followers will actually want to see. That’s what will ultimately help you build a successful and sustainable online presence.

Don’t forget that, as with any social media platform, LinkedIn has algorithms that control what users see in their LinkedIn feed. Even if you’re connected with someone or they’ve explicitly chosen to follow you, if they’ve told the algorithm that they don’t want to see your content, it won’t be shown to them. This can be frustrating, especially if you feel like you’re putting out good content that’s being ignored.

So why chase after bigger numbers when they might just end up leaving us stranded in an empty abyss where there aren’t enough likes and comments for our needs? You tell yourself one lie after another until eventually coming clean with reality: This isn’t worth … anything!

Last Thoughts

When it comes to social media, size isn’t everything. Sure, having a large number of followers can give you a big reach, but if your followers are not engaged with your content, then your posts are not going to have much of an impact.

In fact, data have shown that micro-influencers — those with smaller, more engaged networks — are actually more effective at driving conversions than their bigger counterparts. So, even though you may not have as many LinkedIn connections as some of the social media influencers out there, you can still make a bigger impact with your posts by creating quality content that resonates with your audience.

You never know whom you might impact in the process, and at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that every voice matters! No matter how small you feel your voice might be, never underestimate its power or ability to make an impact in the world.

Remember that social media is a tool that can be used for good or bad — it all just depends on how you use it. While celebrities and social media influencers might have large platforms it doesn’t mean their voices are any more valuable than yours; in fact, in many cases, yours might be even more powerful!

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How Did I Sell 11,000 Books? These Are My 8 Secrets

I never thought I would be a self-published author, let alone one with such success. But when my first book didn’t get picked up by any traditional publishers, I decided to give it a try. I had no idea what I was doing, but through a lot of trial and error, I managed to sell 11,000 copies of Full Stack Recruiter, and I’m hoping to beat that number with my new book, Job Search Guide.

Along the way, I learned a lot about the business of self-publishing and what not to do. For example, I quickly learned that you can’t just throw your book up on Amazon and expect people to find it. You have to create a marketing plan and work hard to get the word out. And even then, there’s no guarantee that people will buy it.

Full Stack Recruiter Book/how to sell a book

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. TIME: Anyone who has attempted to write a book knows that it is no easy task. Not only is it time-consuming, but it can also be frustrating, especially when you hit a brick wall in terms of ideas or motivation. If you want to publish something good, you will need to invest time! There are no workarounds. However, the rewards of seeing your name in print are more than worth the effort.

2. WRITING: Writing is not about writing; it is all about rewriting. Be ready to rewrite your book several times. It is a process, no matter what you write, the magic is always in the second draft. Or the third, fourth, or eighth draft. No matter how many times you rewrite your book, remember that the goal is to produce something you are proud of and that others will enjoy reading.

Set for yourself some deadlines and milestones. But do not be discouraged if things won’t turn out exactly as you planned. Divide your work into milestones and focus on the outcome — releasing the book.

3. INVESTMENT: If you want to publish a quality book, you should be ready to invest not only time but also money. Editors and proofreaders are not cheap but they make a difference! Self-publishing is only cheap if you do everything by yourself. Hiring professionals will cost you between a few hundred to several thousand USD. The longer your book is, the more costly it will be.

4. EDITORS: There is a difference between developmental editing and copy editing. Always start with developmental editing and never skip this part. Trust me, good developmental editing will make a huge difference (if you get the right editor).

  • Developmental editing is a phase of the book editing process where editors thoroughly evaluate author’s work to help determine what needs to be ready for publishing.
  • Copy editing ensures that the book makes for an excellent read. It helps polish the language used and eliminate common errors.

In most cases, you will need both, meaning two rounds of editing and, of course, two invoices. You can find an editor on Fiverr, but you should consider using Upwork or They are more expensive, but the editor makes your book 10x better. If you are willing to spend two years writing a book, do not kill it by saving a few dollars.

5. BOOK COVER: It is all about design! Your book cover will sell or kill your book, it is that simple! Do not rush this process. Choose the first cover you will get from a designer. Do not be afraid to say no to a designer. If you do not like the design, hire another designer who can create something better. Ask your friends for feedback or as many people as you can, as they will be those who might be buying your book. If they do not like it, change it.

6. INTERIOR DESIGN: A good book cover will attract readers, but a good interior design will help them finish reading. There are so many books with great content, but the formatting and the interior design are so bad that people will give up reading them.

7. PROOFREADER: Do not act as your own proofreader or hire your editor as a proofreader. Even the best editor will make some errors, and we can’t see our typos, but others will see them.

If you do not want to spend money on a proofreader, ask your friends to review your final version.

8. MARKETING: Perhaps the most important lesson is that it’s not enough to just write a good book. You also need to be an effective marketer and promoter. That means building a platform, connecting with readers, and finding creative ways to get your book into their hands.

It’s no secret that writing a book is only half the battle. Once you’ve finished your manuscript, you must face the daunting task of promoting it. And if you want your book to be successful, you need to start promoting it well before it’s even published.

One of the best ways to create buzz around your book is to start writing articles related to its subject. If you can get your articles published in high-profile places, the better. But even if you only get them published on your blog or website, that’s still valuable exposure.

The key is to start getting people talking about your book well in advance of its release date. The sooner you start, the better your chance of making a real impact.

Don’t be afraid to brag about your book everywhere and consistently! You need to sell more books to get social proof that your book is great.

Self-publishing Is A Lot Of Work

There’s no denying that self-publishing is a lot of work. There’s a lot to do, from writing and editing your book to designing a stunning cover to formatting your pages and promoting your work. And if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But the rewards can be great.

Seeing your name in print, holding your book in your hands, and knowing that you’ve accomplished something so few people do is incredible. So if you’re thinking about self-publishing, don’t be discouraged.

Just remember that it takes more than talent to find success. It takes dedication, tenacity, and a whole lot of heart. But if you’re willing to put in the hard work, the rewards will be more than worth it.

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How To Create A Personalised Site In 5 Minutes

It’s not a secret that a professional-looking website can help you attract more customers and grow your business. However, if you don’t have designing skills or coding experience, creating a website from scratch can seem daunting. Fortunately, there are now a number of web-based tools that make it easy to create a beautiful website without any prior experience. With applications, like WordPress, you can select from a range of templates and customize your site with drag-and-drop simplicity. Best of all, these services are typically very affordable, so you can start building your dream website without breaking the bank.

What is WordPress

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch or improve an existing website. WordPress is free and open-source software released under the GPL. Millions of people around the world use WordPress, including many large organizations, such as The Guardian, Forbes, and The New York Times. WordPress is a very versatile platform that a wide range of websites and applications can use.

How to Make a Hyper-Personalized Website on WordPress

Installing WordPress and correctly setting it up can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not particularly tech-savvy. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. For instance, many web hosting companies offer a free PDF guide covering everything from choosing the right hosting plan to installing WordPress and setting up your first website.

Additionally, you can check YouTube channels offering a number of helpful video tutorials on such topics as choosing and installing themes, adding plugins, and backing up your site. With a little effort, you can have WordPress up and running within no time.

One of the great things about WordPress is that it can be customized to meet your specific needs. This article will show you how to create a hyper-personalized website on WordPress.

To better understand how this hyper-personalized content works, check this video or this website: Example — Introduction Page (you can change the name at the end of the URL).

Get Your Domain

The first thing you need to get is your domain name. You can get it together with web hosting or from sites like Porkbun, Namecheap, Google Domains, GoDaddy, Cloudflare, or other services.

When the domain is ready, the next step is to get your web hosting or install WordPress on your current web hosting.

The Tools I Used When Building a Hyper-Personalized Website on WordPress

If you want to create a hyper-personalized website on WordPress, you will need basic knowledge of how to do that. WordPress is quite an easy system; thus, even if you have never installed it before, you should be able to do so within a few minutes.

If you don’t want to install WordPress on your hosting, there’s always the option of using Of course, you’ll be limited in terms of plugins and themes, but it’s a viable option for those who want to set up a quick blog or website. Plus, you don’t need to worry about updates or security; that’s all taken care of for you. It is the easiest way to get started with WordPress.

However, if you want more flexibility, you must get your web hosting. Several hosting options are available that make it easy to get your WordPress site up and running. If you’re looking for a traditional web hosting provider, you can try using Hostinger or SiteGround. Both of these providers offer support for WordPress, and they make it easy to install your site on their servers.

If you’re looking for more flexibility, you can try using Cloudways as your hosting provider. This provider offers support for a wide range of applications, including WordPress, and it gives you the ability to run your site on various different servers and locations. Whichever option you choose, you’ll be able to get your WordPress site up and running quickly.

Cloudways is One of My Go-To Web Hosting

There are many reasons for loving Cloudways. First, it removes a lot of the headaches that come with traditional web hosting. With Cloudways, you won’t have to worry about such things as server updates and maintenance. Hence, you can focus on more important things, like growing your business. And speaking of growth, one of the best things about Cloudways is that it’s built to scale; so, as your website grows, you can easily adjust your web hosting plan to meet your needs.

Besides, the built-in cache options make it easy to speed up your site, and there’s no need for complex plugins or configurations. In short, Cloudways is the total package for web hosting and that’s why it’s my go-to choice.

Dynamic Content Plugins

When your WordPress installation is ready, ‘it’s time to add dynamic content plugins. With their help, you will be able to display different content to dissimilar people and create a hyper-personalized website on WordPress

You will be able to adapt your web page content based on certain factors, thanks to dynamic content. Even the page and text will be the same for everyone, and you will be able to show the name of your visitor, their location, the company’s name, and more.

Dynamic content gives website owners a lot of flexibility in how they display their content, and it is a great way to customize the user experience on your website.

Top WordPress Dynamic Content Personalization Plugins

From experience, WP Dynamic Keywords Injector and If-So are two of the best plugins for creating a personalized user experience. Both plugins offer a wide range of features that let you customize your content to match your audience. If-So also has a Pro version that gives you even more options, like showing users’ location on the page. With either plugin, you’ll be able to create a more personalized experience for your visitors that will keep them coming back for more.

To better understand how this dynamic content personalization works, check this video.

When you install one of these plugins, you will need to implement the placeholder codes into your site, and if you do it properly, you will create a similar website like this one: URL

Why Create a Hyper-Personalized Website?

I’m always looking for ways to save time, and one method I’ve found to be effective is using hyper-personalized web pages. By changing the name or parameter at the end of the URL, you can create a page that looks like it was made specifically for the person who visits it, which makes for a better first impression and encourages more interaction.

I’ve been using this technique for years, and it’s saved me hours of work each month. Not only am I saving time, but also every page I create is tailored to a specific situation. One version is used for candidates, LinkedIn outreach, when I am approached by agencies, when I am networking with my colleagues, etc. There are many ways you can use it, but the best one is to share it with your new LinkedIn connection as an introduction page. You will not only make your interactions more personal, but you will also create a wow effect.

This is the feedback I often receive:

How to Create a Website Using WordPress

Creating a hyper-personalized page only takes a few minutes, but it can make a big difference in how others perceive you. If you’re looking for a way to stand out from the crowd, try this method.

What Can You Use It For?

Personalization is key when it comes to networking, especially online. One of the best ways to build connections is to send personalized messages rather than generic ones. For example, when I get a LinkedIn request from a stranger, I don’t just tell them that I’ve reached my connection limit, and that is all.

Instead, I send them a personalized message with a personalized website explaining why I can’t accept their invitation and provide instructions on how to follow me on LinkedIn and other social networking sites. This way, I’m not only being polite but also increasing the chances that they’ll reach out to me again in the future and follow me.

Build Your hyper-personalized website

If you are looking for more information about what plugins you should use and what else you need to do, just download this manual (from Gumroad or my site) and learn more about how to make a hyper-personalized website on WordPress.

If you’re looking for a more detailed list of plugins, services, recommendations, and 90+ minutes videos explaining how to install and set up WordPress, set up your web hosting, and secure your WordPress to create a fantastic experience for your website visitors, you can get a more extensive version of this manual from here.

If you need to create content for your website, you can use these 6 best content writing tools.

You only have a few seconds to make a first impression. So, make it count!

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How to Send Compelling Connection Requests on LinkedIn

Networking is the key to a successful future. It will provide you with opportunities, connections, and resources that would not otherwise be available in your career path or even while looking for jobs on traditional job boards! A strong network is like an insurance policy against career disasters.

If you don’t have one, now is the time to start building one. Invest in your future by investing in your network! The connections you make today could lead to a job offer down the road, or even a life-long friendship. So get out there and start meeting people! You never know where your next connection will take you.

Your future success depends on it!

Career Benefits of a Strong Network

Building professional relationships is essential if you want to get ahead in your career. Not only that, the bigger professional network will also help you at work, especially if you are working in sales. According to Sales Benchmark Index, a staggering 98% of sales reps with 5,000 or more connections on LinkedIn meet or surpass their target quota

You might read several “How to network on LinkedIn” articles where they recommend adding a profile photo along with your experience and volunteer work to your LinkedIn profile, joining LinkedIn groups, adding keywords to your LinkedIn summary, and other things so you are going to appear in search results. All that is because LinkedIn prioritizes complete profiles over empty ones. Filling out a LinkedIn profile will not only attract your target audience, but if it’s done the right way, it will create more new opportunities and boost your networking efforts.

The more connections you have the more likely you are to find potential customers, partners, or employees. However, simply sending out a mass of LinkedIn requests is not enough. If your requests are ignored, you will not only waste your time, but you will also miss out on the opportunity to build valuable relationships.

The key is to send LinkedIn requests that include a compelling message. The more compelling your message is the higher the chance that your invitation will be accepted. So if you’re looking to expand your LinkedIn network, take the time to craft a great message—it could make all the difference.

Send Compelling Connection LinkedIn Requests 

I’ve been on LinkedIn for years and one of the things I’m always experimenting with is different ways to connect with new people and how to create more personal connections. Twelve months ago, I decided to test out a bunch of different connection request templates to see which ones got the best response rates.

During this test, I learned a lot about what works (and what doesn’t). For example, one of the things I found is that it’s important to be personal in your requests. Generic messages saying, “It would be great to connect!” tend to get ignored. That template message is one of the common mistakes people make while networking. That is why you should make sure you always include a personalized note (ideally, a hyper-personalized one).

If you take the time to mention something specific that you have in common with the person you’re trying to connect with, you’re much more likely to get a response. You can mention that you met at a networking event or online event, attended the same school, or read their latest posts; it doesn’t matter as long as you are reaching potential clients or candidates that you want to add as a part of your network.

Another thing I learned is that if you really want to gain meaningful connections when networking, you need to ensure you’re engaging each person you connect with. Follow-up messages usually do the trick and they are a great way to build a stronger relationship with your new contact.

There are many ways to expand your network faster and improve the chances that your LinkedIn connection requests will be approved. There is not only one right way; you constantly need to test out new ways to see what is working and what is not, if you also want to add strangers to your network.

With the help of several LinkedIn profiles, I spent over a year sending thousands of LinkedIn connection requests (62,000+ in total) to figure out which messages worked best and which would work the best for new connections.

I tested hundreds of LinkedIn connection template requests, and you can download these seven best examples that you can use when you are looking for a job and you want to contact a recruiter, with no cost at all.

Or you can download 96 LinkedIn connection request message templates and find your conversation starters today. Connect with more people in less time!

I’ve also prepared a FREE seven-day email newsletter that will share the best seven networking tips and tools to move your networking game to an entirely new level. Discover seven secrets for growing your LinkedIn network faster than others and make better personal connections with influencers in your industry.

Last Thoughts

If you’re trying to grow your network and improve your personal brand, the first thing you need to understand is that it takes time. Yes, that is the one thing that’s very often missing in those “How to network on LinkedIn” articles. There is no shortcut and you’re not going to see results overnight.

It’s important to be patient and consistent with your efforts. The best way to grow your network together with your personal brand is to provide value. Share informative blog posts, tips, and insightful articles.

Offer your expertise and insights into industry trends. The key is to build a following of people who see you as a thought leader in your field. Once you’ve established yourself as an expert, you’ll start seeing more opportunities for collaboration and partnerships. But it all starts with providing value.

A strong network will give you an edge over the competition and help you weather the ups and downs of your career. So don’t wait until you need a job to start building your network. Invest in your future today!

Get the Top Seven networking tips and tools straight to your inbox for FREE!

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TOP 6 Best Content Writing Tools

If you’re a content creator or marketer, you know that writing can be a challenge. You need to come up with fresh ideas, find the right words, and keep your writing interesting and engaging. But what if there was a way to get a little help?

That’s where AI writing tools come in. By using artificial intelligence, these tools can help you brainstorm ideas, choose the right words, and even improve your grammar and style. As a result, you can spend less time struggling with writing and more time creating great content. So if you’re looking for a way to take your writing to the next level, be sure to check out AI writing tools.

These tools are designed to help you improve your writing by using artificial intelligence to analyze your writing and offer suggestions for improvement. AI writing tools can help you with everything from choosing the right words to improving sentence structure. They can even help you identify errors in your writing so that you can fix them before publishing your work. Best of all, AI writing tools are always getting smarter, so you can expect them to become even more helpful as time goes on.

How to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

As any writer knows, creating high-quality content requires a significant investment of time and effort. From coming up with ideas to conducting research to actually writing the article, the process can be quite daunting. However, there are a number of ways that artificial intelligence (AI) can help to improve your content marketing strategy. For example, AI-powered writing tools can help you to generate ideas, conduct research, and even write the article itself.

As a result, you’ll be able to produce high-quality content more efficiently and effectively, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. In addition, AI can also help you to personalize your content and target your audience more effectively. By using AI-powered tools, you’ll be able to create content that is more relevant and engaging for your readers, leading to better results for your business.

How to write better content

There are many applications on the internet, but these are the Top 3 AI writing tools on the market that can help you write better content.

Jasper AI

You want to write better content, but you don’t have the time or money to invest in a human copywriter. You’re not alone! A lot of people want to write better content, but they don’t have the time or money to invest in a human copywriter.

Jasper is an AI-powered writing tool that can help you write better content in half the time. With Jasper, you’ll get access to the best AI-driven writing tools on the market and you’ll be able to improve your content faster than ever before. You will be blown away by what Jasper can do for you!

If you’re looking for an artificial intelligence writing tool that will help you take your writing to the next level, look no further. Jasper is an affordable, user-friendly tool that offers a wide range of features to help you improve your writing. It’s also one of the few AI writing tools on the market that offers a free trial (Claim 10,000 Words Free), so you can try it out before deciding whether or not it’s right for you.

With this tool, everybody writes amazing content, product pages, white papers, and email newsletters. You can even write case studies for your readers and target audience. Writing content has never been so easy!


It’s hard to find time to write quality content and even harder to find inspiration for new ideas. Not only is it tough to find the time to write, but coming up with new ideas can be daunting. You don’t want your blog or website content to sound stale. Writecream is the solution you’ve been looking for. With our AI-powered marketing tool, you can easily produce high-quality copy that will help boost your website conversions and credibility, amazing press releases, or content for amazing press releases, mailing list, or searching engines.

Writecream is an online writing service that is affordable and easy to use. It can help you with Personalized Intros, Cold Emails, LinkedIn Outreach, Backlink Campaigns, Pitch an Angel, Digital Ads, Website Copy and more. And you can use it for free writing as they also offer a free account.


You want to write great content that is SEO optimized, but you don’t have time to do all the keyword research and legwork yourself. It’s hard enough to find the time to write engaging content, let alone spend hours researching keywords and optimizing your copy. Bramework is here to help.

Bramework also includes a handy research tool that gives you quick access to relevant data and articles so you can beef up your copy with confidence. This AI-powered writing assistant does all the research for you so you can focus on writing great content that converts. It saves you the time you need to research keywords, generate titles and outlines, and optimize your content.


You want to create high-quality content, but you don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself. It’s hard enough to keep up with the latest trends in your industry, let alone write quality content on top of that. Rytr is the solution.

This AI-based writing assistant will help you create content for your blog, website, social media, with keyword research, and more. Rytr is also a tool that helps companies create job descriptions with one click of the button. With this process, you will get an easily understandable list of responsibilities for your desired role in seconds!


You know you need to be creating more content for your readers, but you don’t have the time or resources to write it all yourself. Not having enough high-quality content is a huge issue for businesses of all sizes. It’s hard to get your message out there and attract new customers when you don’t have anything to show them.

Writesonic is the solution. With our AI-powered copywriting tool, you can generate unique and engaging marketing content in seconds. Just enter a few lines of text, and we’ll take care of the rest.


Looking to up your content game? Simplified is here to help. With their AI-powered copywriting tools, you can create unique, engaging text for all your video, social media, and marketing needs. Whether you’re looking for a snappy caption for your latest Instagram post or some high-quality website content, their AI writer can generate 50+ types of copy in seconds. And if you’re not 100% happy with the results, their editing tools will help you improve or rewrite the text until it’s just right.

Simplified is not only AI-powered copywriting tool but it will help you Design, Write, Edit videos, and Publish Content from one place. It’s an all-in-one app that your modern marketing team can use for collaboration.

Best Content Writing Tools – AI Writer, Content Generator

AI is slowly but surely becoming a part of our everyday lives, from the personal assistant on our phones to the self-driving car we may one day commute in. And now AI is also making its way into the world of content marketing. AI-powered content development platforms are already starting to pop up and they’re only going to become more common in the years to come.

So what does this mean for businesses? For one thing, it means that content marketing is about to get a whole lot easier. With AI taking care of the heavy lifting, businesses will be able to create better, more targeted content with less effort. Additionally, AI-powered content marketing will enable businesses to better track their results and optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI. In short, the future of AI-powered content marketing is looking very bright—and businesses that embrace it will be well-positioned for success.

The Best Content Writing Assistant

It is no surprise that AI has also made its way into content marketing. What does this mean for you as a writer? It means that your content can now be even better with the help of some amazing AI tools out there. I’ve tried out three of the best writing tools on the market—Jasper, Writecream, and Bramework —and have been amazed by the results.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just getting started, you might be surprised at how much they can help improve your writing.

If you want to take your content to the next level, try using one of these tools today!

Note: If you’re in the market for some new tools, you might want to check out Appsumo. You never know what kind of deals you’ll find on there.

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How to Become a Google Search Guru

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There was a time, not so long ago when people used the library for research. They would pore over dusty tomes, hoping to find the answer to their question. Today, of course, we have Google. Within seconds, we can find the answer to almost any question. Just a few taps on a keyboard and we have access to the sum of human knowledge. It’s no wonder that Googling has become an essential life skill.

But while googling may be easy, it’s not always accurate. The key to finding good results is to use the right keywords. A few general words will often give you a long list of irrelevant results. But if you choose your keywords carefully and use the right Boolean operators you can find exactly what you’re looking for.

Start with specific keywords and then narrow down your search using Boolean operators. Boolean operators are words like “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” that help you to filter your results. Learning how to narrow down your keywords, sift through results, and find reliable sources of information can save you hours of wasted time. That’s why being good at googling is such a valuable skill that can help you find anything on the internet in no time.

Boolean Search Operators

Boolean operators are important for anyone who wants to use the internet for research or even simple search. They are used to combine terms when doing a search. The three main Boolean operators are “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” (or – sign). By combining these terms, you can create a more targeted search that will help you find the needed information more quickly.

For example, if you wanted to find information about cats and dogs, you could use the Boolean operator “AND” to search for “cats AND dogs.” This would give you results that include both terms. And as any Search Guru knows, any space in Google is default “AND”. So you do not need to use AND in Google, but you will need to use it in some other databases.

Or, if you wanted to find information about either cats or dogs, you could use the Boolean operator “OR” to search for “cats OR dogs.” This would give you results that include either term. Finally, if you wanted to find information about cats but not dogs, you could use the Boolean operator “not” to search for “cats NOT dogs” or “cats -dogs.” This would give you results that include only cat-related information.

The good news is that Boolean operators are not just for Google. They can also help you find anything on other search engines like Bing and DuckDuckGo and can be used on other websites and databases.

google search guru

How to Find Anything On the Internet

There are also a few simple tips to help you hone your googling skills. Always use quotation marks, another Boolean operator, around your keywords. This tells Google to search for those specific words (phrases) in that order.

Finally, take advantage of Google’s advanced search options. Here, you can narrow your results by date range, file type, and more. By using these simple tips, you can quickly become a googling pro. So the next time you need to find something fast, remember to google it like a boss! With a little practice,  you save time and find exactly what you need.

How to Become a Google Search Guru

Do you really need to know these operators and learn these skills?

It depends! Knowing how to search like a Pro is a skill worth investing in. Imagine looking for salary information in a specific location. You can run “Salary range Finance Manager London” search query to get many results connected with these terms. Or you can use Boolean operators and target specific information like salary surveys with this string.

filetype:pdf (“Salary survey” OR “Salary guide”) London “Finance Manager”

This simple string may look like something out of a Harry Potter book, but when you learn the basics, you will be able to find anything on the internet within a few seconds.

Learning Boolean operators is also quite handy during your job search. You can use Google and narrow your search to find the perfect job in no time, even those jobs you cannot find on LinkedIn or Indeed. That’s where the Boolean operators come in. These operators can help you focus your search and find the most relevant jobs to your skills and experience.

If you want to learn all the secrets of Google that recruiters already know, consider getting the book, Full Stack Recruiter. With its step-by-step guide, you’ll be a Google Pro in no time, plus you will learn all recruiters’ secrets.

The next time you’re stuck on a project, take some time to hone your Google-fu – you may be surprised at how much it can help.

Being good at googling is a skill worth investing in!

Check this book:

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The Future of Recruiting is Human and Technology

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Employers have long relied on traditional methods to find top talent, but the landscape of recruiting has undergone a revolution in recent years thanks to advances in technology. Companies are now investing in automated systems that can scour the internet for candidates who meet their specific criteria.

This may seem like a cold and impersonal way to fill vacancies and it is true there is no replacement for the human element when it comes to talent acquisition. However, the best companies understand that it takes more than just a resume to identify the right candidate for the job. 

They use a combination of technology and personal interaction to find the best fit for their open positions. This approach may take more time and effort up front, but it pays off in the long run by bringing in top talent that will help the company succeed.

Traditional Recruitment Methods

The conventional recruitment methods, such as print ads, job fairs, and campus visits, have almost vanished. Even online job boards are no longer the primary source of candidates for most companies. Instead, they are using social media, employee referrals, and other creative means to reach out to potential candidates. 

As a result, employer branding has become a top priority for many companies. Yet marketing teams often lack the knowledge or resources to focus on this area, while talent acquisition teams are often too bogged down with other responsibilities to give it the attention it deserves. This leaves employers at a disadvantage when it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent.

It is clear that something needs to change if companies want to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of recruiting.

We Need a Change

Technology plays a vital role in recruitment today; the human aspect is steadily fading out of the recruiting process. Although technology and advanced automated systems play an important role in our everyday life, unfortunately we sometimes rely so much on technology and advanced tools that we have failed to create a balance between technology and human in recruiting. 

We have been unable to understand that these advanced tools serve as an aid and they are there to help us only. They cannot fix all of our problems entirely. Investing money in an outreach tool will not magically convince dozens of candidates to join your company. Even the best artificial intelligence tools cannot fix things like a toxic company culture.

How to Maintain a Balance between Tech and Humans in Recruiting

A recruiting process that consists entirely of robots becomes unattractive for candidates. It can also pick the wrong candidate and that can, later on, become a problem for the employers. Therefore, it is essential to balance out the role of tech and humans in recruiting. 

The following are some tips that can help you in creating and managing that balance in the best way possible:

1. Technology should be an amplifier, not a replacement

Many companies now use automatic systems such as applicant tracking systems to process the candidates and their resumes. Although these systems are highly beneficial for identifying potential matches, they are not perfect. These systems have many shortcomings that can result in a massive difference in the recruiting process.

But you must remember that all AI in those systems is not perfect. Thus, there should always be human input in the recruitment process to eliminate all the risks that might kick in otherwise.

2. Technology can be useful for small, tedious tasks, not for decision-making processes

Technology can perform small and tedious tasks such as emailing, scheduling calls, and posting job descriptions very well. It is also helpful at the start of the recruitment process when there is a high need for a candidate search from a large pool. 

However, when it comes to decision-making, such as choosing a candidate to perform a specific job, humans should be involved. To select the desirable candidates during the recruitment process, there should always be a human touch rather than handing over everything to the AI programs.

3. Personal touch

While recruitment technology has come a long way in recent years, there are still some areas where the personal touch is essential. For example, when you reach candidates via LinkedIn, yes, AI like Jasper (find out more about Jasper here) could help you to draft outreach messages or emails, but it will not be the personal touch that makes all the difference. 

In order to connect with candidates on a personal level, you need to be able to understand their individual needs and motivations. This is where a human recruiter can add real value. By taking the time to get to know each candidate, a recruiter can help to identify the role that would be the best fit and craft a tailored message that will resonate with the candidate. In today’s competitive job market, that personal touch can make all the difference.

Human Interaction Is Key to the Recruiting Process

Although technology plays an essential role in today’s modern recruitment, the role of humans cannot be neglected. Technology has transformed the recruiting process, making it easier and faster to connect with candidates. However, technology can only take us so far. There is still a need for human interaction in order to build relationships and assess fit. The most successful recruiters are those who are able to strike a balance between tech and human. 

They use technology to efficiently screen candidates and identify qualified leads, but they also take the time to get to know each candidate as an individual. By building rapport and understanding their motivations, they are able to identify the best candidates for the job. In today’s competitive market, focusing on the human element of recruiting is more important than ever.

Ultimately, while technology can be a valuable tool in the recruiting process, it should be used in conjunction with personal interaction in order to make the best possible hiring decisions. Use technology to your advantage, but don’t forget the importance of personal interactions.

Last Updated on April 14, 2024

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The Easiest Way To Grow Your Business Quickly

LinkedIn prospecting can seem like a bit of a mystery for some. After all, it’s not exactly clear how you’re supposed to find your ideal clients on the platform and build relationships with them. But don’t worry – with the right knowledge and tools, you’ll be able to use LinkedIn for prospecting like a pro in no time.

The first step is understanding how LinkedIn works and what makes it different from other social media platforms. Then, you need to learn how to identify your ideal clients on LinkedIn and how to connect with them authentically. Once you’ve mastered those basics, you’ll be well on your way to closing more deals and growing your business.

Here are some tips to help you get started with LinkedIn prospecting:

  1. Start by creating a list of your ideal clients. Who are they? What do they do? Where do they work? What are their interests? The more specific you can be, the better.
  2. Once you have your list, it’s time to start searching for them on LinkedIn. Use the advanced search features to narrow down your results and find the people you’re looking for.
  3. Once you’ve found some potential leads, it’s time to start building relationships with them. Connect with them on LinkedIn and start engaging with their content.

Building relationships becomes important if you have a recruitment agency or are offering your services. When it comes to sales, it’s all about relationships. You need to build a rapport with your prospects in order to earn their trust, and, ultimately, their business. To do this, you need to engage them in conversations, share relevant and helpful content, and offer advice when appropriate.

Once you’ve established a relationship, you can then start requesting a sale but don’t be pushy! If you’ve done your job right, the sale will happen naturally. Just be patient and let the relationship progress at its pace.

Automate Your Prospecting

There are many reasons why you might want to automate your LinkedIn prospecting. Maybe you’re tired of manually sending out messages and want to scale your outreach. Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to be more efficient with your time. Either way, automation can be a helpful tool.

Automation can help you reach more prospects within a short time and allow you to personalize your messages and follow up easily. In addition, automation can help you track your prospects and ensure that you’re always up to date on their latest activities. Automation may be the answer if you’re looking for a way to improve your LinkedIn prospecting.

Prospecting Tools

We all know how important it is to stay connected with our professional network, and LinkedIn is a great way to do that, but let’s face it; manually reaching out to our connections and following up can be a lot of work. Fortunately, there are tools that can take care of all that for you.

There are many tools on the market, but below are the two main ones you can use for your prospecting. Although they are similar, they still have some minor differences.

They are called Waalaxy, and LiProspect, and they are a perfect solution for anyone who wants to make sure their LinkedIn outreach is on auto-pilot. They both allow you to automate your entire outreach process, from initial contact to follow-ups. Besides, they come with a host of other features designed to help you get the most out of your LinkedIn connections. So, if you’re looking for an easier way to stay connected, be sure to check them out. You’ll be glad you did!

Why do I mention both and not just one? 

Even if these tools offer similar functionalities, the main difference is that Waalaxy, requires a Chrome plugin to be installed in your browser, and a LinkedIn tab must be open on your computer for actions to run. This allows them to send requests and messages from your account with the same IP address without putting your account at risk.

how to prospect on linkedin

Waalaxy is easy to use, set up, and track the results of the campaigns. It offers amazing UX and UI, plus incredible support. It has made prospecting on autopilot and is a super time saver. Plus, it bypasses LinkedIn limits.

The LiProspect is a SaaS application completely hosted in the cloud. With LiProspect, you do not need to download a browser extension or install any software on your PC. It is a 100% cloud-based platform; thus, this application works even when your PC is off.

It is an automated LinkedIn prospecting. Outreach and follow-ups happen completely on auto-pilot. They claim it is the safest cloud-based LinkedIn automation tool with a humanized algorithm. With LiProspect, you’ve got all you need for a prospecting campaign that will help you to generate more valuable leads. And they also claim on their site to close 15X more deals. I can’t confirm this statement, but a friend of mine saw an increase in close deals when he started using LinkedIn prospecting.


Connect Your LinkedIn and Email Inboxes

If you’re like most salespeople, you spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. You might even have a dedicated inbox for your LinkedIn messages. But how much time do you spend managing your LinkedIn contacts? And how often do you update your CRM with your latest LinkedIn connections?

You can integrate and track your outbound prospecting with such tools as the Dashed AI. This prospecting tool is quite new on the market and offers a solution to salespeople, SDR managers, recruiters, lead gen specialists, and others who want to track their LinkedIn prospecting.

It is perfect for people who want to automate their outreach activities and gain invaluable insights into your B2B sales. Recruiting leaders or agency owners will also love the ability to track KPIs and integrate LinkedIn recruiting into their systems.

Dashed AI

If you are working in sales, you can use an A/B test based on interest and attributed sales, clicks, connections, or replies. Together with the ability to enrich contacts, find qualified emails if associated with their LinkedIn account, and sync with LinkedIn, you have an interesting tool at your disposal with the push of a button.

One of the great things about the Dashed AI is that it helps save a ton of time. They claim that because of their hyper-automated sales, they save SDRs hours of work a month. I am not an SDR so I cannot confirm that, but the tool definitely cuts out some of the time you need to spend on repetitive tasks.

Last Thoughts

It is important to remember that LinkedIn is a professional network, so you’ll want to make sure that you’re connecting with people in a way that is respectful and professional. Remember that your goal is to build relationships, not just add numbers to your contact list.

Take the time to personalize your messages, and be genuine in your interest in connecting. If you focus on building quality relationships, you’ll find that LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for prospecting and growing your business.

You should know that LinkedIn does not permit third-party automation tools (even though almost everyone uses them), so you risk getting suspended from the platform if you use them. With that said, I would recommend using a cloud-based automation tool rather than a browser plug-in as the former is less likely to get you into trouble with LinkedIn.

LinkedIn prospecting can be an extremely valuable tool for any business, big or small. It is a great way to get new customers, if it’s done right!

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