Be the change you want to see in the world
A random act of kindness can be defined as a selfless act performed by a person or people with the aim of assisting or helping others. These acts can materialize in different ways. A random act of kindness has a philosophy of concern and care attached to it. Also, it can be said that random acts of kindness are linked with the altruistic nature of man. Altruism, that is the need to always do good, is the opposite of selfishness. There are many ways to deliver random acts of kindness, from a simple compliment, to donating certain materials, to volunteering.
Many cultures and societies view kindness as an act, and a duty that must be shown to people. Ethical consideration also shapes our views on kindness. Knowing right from wrong helps condition our mind-set by determining the situations in which we should show kindness. Society influences our behavior and the way we think. Kindness is infectious; the more we practice it, the more we show others how to be kind.
Below is a list of things you can do to brighten up someone’s day – and your own:
- Giving random compliments can put a huge smile across someone’s face. Try speaking well of people even when they are not present.
- You can compliment a colleague for a great performance or appearance, congratulate a friend for securing a job etc.
- Saying thank you, and other words that show appreciation and empathy is a form of kindness. Words have a way of affecting people positively.
- Help an elder in your street by carrying out his or her trash, and by either hiring a gardner to trim his/her lawn or doing it yourself.
- You can send anonymous gifts to a friend or colleague, although you do not have to remain anonymous.
- Give to the homeless or buy them food and talk with them. There is nothing as great as putting a smile on the face of a homeless person. You can turn this act of buying food for the homeless into a routine that takes place after the close of business each day.
- You can donate to organizations that help people with illnesses, or natural disasters. The world today is witnessing wars, earthquakes, wild fires etc. and these things displace people from their homes; you can show kindness by donating relief materials or money. These acts of kindness will affect people’s lives positively.
There is more that can be done apart from the suggestions above. The main point to learn is that random acts of kindness are crucial to making yourself and others happy. Performing selfless acts for others accomplishes more than anything else.
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
-Mark Twain
Why are these small things important?
These random acts of kindness may be considered small by you, but they are very important, firstly because you do not know about the demons that each person is battling inside, and your action could help them find peace. Some people are walking around feeling neglected and unloved, your act of kindness will show them that people still care.
Secondly you make a positive impact. Places plagued by natural disasters can be given aid relief which will help alleviate pain. Volunteering for an aid agency, to distribute these materials is another way of making such an impact.
Thirdly, such acts make our World a nicer place for everyone.
Furthermore, these acts can influence others to do same, they encourage people to be better and to do better. When you act in a kind manner, people around you are watching, and sooner or later they will follow your steps.
Finally, these small things make us better individuals and role models both for our children and society in general.
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”
– Amelia Earhart
What if?
What if your company were to add ten dollars to your monthly salary and tell you that you need to use this money not for yourself but for somebody else? Nobody is going to check what you do with the money, whether you use it or keep it. How you use it will be completely up to you. You can use it to buy flowers for your significant other, or give it to charity, buy a beer for your friend, give it to a homeless man etc.
Probably most of people will simply keep the money, but even if only 30% of them do something good with it, such as putting a smile on someone’s face, changing a life, improving relationships etc., in the end it could affect everybody and create a better world for all of us.
And what if the company don’t give you any extra money; what if you use your own, or what if you don’t even need to use any money and do something small, some small act of kindness? Or do some small thing like throw away your phone for a day and spend that day with your significant other.
Random Acts of Kindness provides the support needed to bring goodwill to those in need.
“Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” -Scott Adams