How to stop wasting time, start collaborating today
Recruitment.Camp was born with a vision to create, share and collaborate, and ultimately develop a comprehensive and powerful source of the recruitment content on the web. At the end of the day, one thing can never be given a price tag: Education!
Why did I create this project?
I strongly believe in two things:
- Collaboration – I believe that people are more creative when they work together.
- Learning – I passionately believe that education is a passport to the future and that it should be accessible to anyone, anywhere. Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today by learning new and skills and acquiring new knowledge.
With education comes progress, and I believe that education has the power to create a ripple effect. Even a single drop of it can cause ripples all over. Similarly, even a single person who shares knowledge can educate many people in other places. Every day presents us with new opportunities to learn, and new chances to teach. With new gaps to fill, and new knowledge to be presented. Quality education does not speak a single language and is not fixed in one location.
That’s why I created a project Recruitment.Camp. My plan is to turn this website into a platform that recruiters from all walks of life can become a vital part of, one where they can share their grasp of various topics and soak up the wisdom of others. A place where everybody can learn from others in the recruitment field – providing, of course, that they have something to share.
I also love to learn. I learned a lot while creating this site. I’m expecting to learn more, after which I will add and create new courses. I would like to turn this project into an online learning destination for every recruiter or individual who is interested in our field and is eager to learn. I hope it will become a place where everybody can discover quality courses from other recruiters, recruitment agencies, and specialists from around the world.
Will it work for recruiters?
Great things happen when people work together, and I am sure that many recruiters will agree that collaboration is important. But I also know that many recruiters see others as competitors – especially if money is involved – so many are unwilling to share their knowledge and tips. Sometimes there are too many “I”s and not enough “We’s” in recruitment.
If a guy like me is going to create a Boolean Search course and help some recruiters living in Australia, India, US, etc. to learn how to create a Boolean search string, should I consider them as competitors or as a threat to my work/business in my locality? Well, every recruiter is a competitor, that’s a fact because recruitment happens from anywhere there’s an Internet and phone connection. But I also believe we can learn from each other and become better at what we do by sharing our experience and knowledge. In turn, this could help us become more successful in our work. I’m a fan of this: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
So I hope that “I“ will soon become “We”, and that this project will have more people sharing the same vision as I do and adding many new training sessions to this site.
Will this be a successful project?
Perhaps it will. Or perhaps I’ll break the site during a site update and the whole project will fail spectacularly as a result (hope not), but the only way to find out is to try it. So this is me trying it. 🙂
For future instructors
The world is a small place. You can live anywhere in the world and speak a different language, but if you share the same vision, have Internet access, and believe that you have something to offer others, then Recruitment.Camp is the right destination for you. If you need more info, check out our site and feel free to contact me if you want to help me or participate in this project.
For students
You only need to know one thing: people think that intelligence is fixed – but it isn’t. Your brain is like a muscle; the more you use it, the more it grows. Education is no longer a one-time event, but a lifelong experience.
Courses are not restricted to recruiters only, so everybody can give it a try and learn something new. Even if you hate recruiters, you can learn about the things we do. 😉
Are you ready to learn?
Last Updated on January 16, 2024